Having Residential ties and paying taxes: – home in Canada – spouse or common-law partner lives in Canada – personal property

Canada's tax system  In Canada, taxes are deducted from income by employers and payers, and those with business or rental income pay through instalments.

Social insurance number  The CRA uses your SIN to identify you for tax purposes. You must provide it when someone prepares your tax information slips.

Goods and services tax GST is charged on most goods (groceries etc.) and services in Canada. Some provinces combine it with provincial sales tax to form the HST.

Climate action incentive payment Get tax-free help offsetting federal pollution pricing with the Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP). New residents in eligible provinces may qualify.

Canada child benefit and child disability benefit: – the no. of eligible children – province or territory of residence – family net income – child's eligibility for the disability tax credit

Property you owned before you arrived in Canada  When moving to Canada, the CRA will consider non-taxable assets as sold and repurchased at their fair market value on the day of residency.

Previously deferred tax  When moving to Canada, you may need to sell and repurchase your assets and pay taxes on previously deferred gains from tax-exempt investments.

File a tax return  if you lived in Canada for only part of the year, you may have to file an Income Tax and Benefit Return

Here are three different methods for submitting your tax return – EFILE – NETFILE – By Mail

Penalties and interest  If you owe tax and do not file your return by the due date, the CRA will charge you a late-filing penalty and interest on any unpaid amount owing