The government, universities, and colleges offer free courses, funding opportunities, mentorship, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Epic Center on the University of Windsor campus Benefit your business this way: Funding($6000) Networking events Mentorship Workshops Makerspace

Western University Accelerator Program Benefit your business this way: Funding($12000) Weekly Workshops 1 to-1 Support Mentorship Promotions

Acces Employment Entrepreneurship Connections Benefit your business this way: One to One Coaching Workplace Networking Support

Conestoga Self Employment program Benefit your business this way: Mentorship Networking Workshops Tools Business Planning

City of Toronto Training & Support for Business & Startups Benefit your business this way: Mentorship Funding Networking Licenses, etc.

YMCA Entrepreneurship Program Benefit your business this way: Digital literacy Resources Marketing Financial Social Media

BMO Launch Me Entrepreneurship Program & Competition Benefit your business this way: Win $130,000 Entrepreneur women, students and alumni of Humber College

Cambrian College Free Online Entrepreneurship Program Benefit your business this way: Workshops you will be paid duration of the program Skill development

Public Library Small Business Programs Benefit your business this way: Workshops Networking Digital Design Franchising Taxes knowledge Entrepreneurship funds and resources Benefit your business this way: Funding Mentorship Training Skill development etc.