How to get a Canadian passport? – Complete Guide

In this article, you will learn how to get a Canadian passport and gain detailed knowledge about its process, document requirements, benefits, fees, and processing time.

Table of Content
What is a Canadian passport?
Benefits of having a Canadian passport?
Who can get a Canadian passport?
What is a naturalized Canadian?
How can I get Canadian citizenship?
Steps to apply for Canadian citizenship
How to get a Canadian passport?
Documents required to apply for a Canadian passport
Different forms and their requirements for adult passport

What is a Canadian passport? 

A Canadian passport is issued to citizens of Canada and is considered proof of the holder’s identity and nationality status outside Canada.

Benefits of having a Canadian passport:

  • You can travel to many other countries without a visa.
  • You can vote or run for a political office.
  • You don’t have any tension about your expiration status.
  • You have opportunities for federal and provincial jobs.
  • You don’t need to renew your permanent resident card after five years for international travel.

Who can get a Canadian passport?

You need to be a Canadian citizen by birth or naturalization.

What is a naturalized Canadian?

Naturalization means an immigrant has lived for three years on a permanent residency card (including 365 days on a temporary visa) out of the previous five years to be eligible to become a Canadian citizen. 

Note: Each day spent on a temporary visa in Canada counts as a half day to apply for citizenship. You can earn a maximum of 365 days with this method. 

How can I get Canadian citizenship?

Canadian citizenship is managed by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for applying citizenship applications

There are some eligibility requirements to apply for citizenship if you are 18 to 54 years old:

  • The candidate has lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) out of five years. Children (under age 18) must not satisfy the three-year requirement but must have permanent resident status.
  • The candidate must have a Canadian Language Benchmarks score of 4 or higher in English or French.
  • The candidate doesn’t have a criminal history.
  • The candidate must pass a citizenship test related to history, geography, economy, government, laws, and symbols.
  • The candidate must submit a formal application to IRCC and pay a government fee and a right of citizenship fee.
  • The candidate must be a permanent resident.
  • The candidate must file taxes for at least three years out of the previous five years before applying for citizenship.

Steps to apply for Canadian citizenship:

Step 1: Make sure you are eligible to apply for citizenship

Step 2: You should calculate how long you have been in Canada

Step 3: Collect all required documents

  • You have the original documents of your Online Physical Presence Calculation or form CIT 0407
  • Last five-year travel documents or colour photocopy of your passports, all pages including biographical page: name, photo, date, place of birth, issue date etc.
  • In two pieces, personal identification proof. Example:
  • Passport biographical page copy
  • Permanent resident card
  • Driver’s licence
  • Health insurance card
  • senior citizen identification
  • Age of majority card
  • Foreign identity document

Step 4: Complete the application form

Step 5: Pay the required fees

Step 6: Submit your citizenship application

Step 7: Start preparation for your citizenship test

Step 8: Attend your interview, test or hearing

Step 9: Wait for your application’s final result

Step 10: Last and most crucial step, go to the ceremony and take the oath

Note: if your file is rejected, you can apply for GCMS notes.

How to get a Canadian passport?

A Canadian passport is a travel document that Canadian citizens can apply for.

Documents required to apply for a Canadian passport:

  • Complete the full Canadian passport application form on the government website
  • Proof of your citizenship (birth certificate or citizenship certificate)
  • Identity document
  • Two passport-size photographs ( write the photographer’s name, address, and date of taking the photos on the backside of the pictures)
  • Show them your travel documents if you have them.
  • You need a witness (a family member or someone living with you) that signs the witness section of your application and the backside of your photographs to clarify that it’s you.
  • You need two references (not family members, close relatives, or witnesses) who have known you for the last two years.

Different forms and their requirements for adult passports:

  1. Urgent (Service Standard Time: end of next business day)
  2. Express (Service Standard Time: 2 to 9 business days)
  3. Standard (Service Standard Time: 10 to 20 business days and mail time)


Step 1:

  • Complete your form
  • Attach your supporting documents and passport photos
  • Prove why you need a passport like an airline, bus or train ticket, proof of illness or death, or a travel itinerary

Step 2: No need to book an appointment

Step 3: Go to the urgent pick-up service passport office with an additional fee (CAN$ 110 if applying from Canada) to apply


Step 1:

  • Complete your form
  • Attach your supporting documents and passport photos
  • Prove why you need a passport like an airline, bus or train ticket, proof of illness or death, or a travel itinerary

Step 2: You can book an appointment or walk-in

Step 3: Go to the express pick-up service passport office with extra fees (Canadian $50 if applying from Canada) to apply


Step 1:

  • Complete your form
  • Attach your supporting documents and passport photos

Step 2: Book an appointment or walk in with fees (CAN$ 20 if applying from Canada)

Step 3: Go to the Service Canada Center

Step 4: If you want, you can apply by mail

Note: Mail time is not included in standard service time. Mail generally reaches five business days, but it may vary


Can I get a Canadian passport in 2 days?

Complete your form, and go to the urgent pick-up service passport office with fees of 110 Canadian dollars. You will get your passport before the end of the next business day.

Does my spouse get citizenship?

No, Your spouse doesn’t automatically become a citizen when he/she marry with a Canadian citizen. He/She must have to fulfill all requirements to apply for Canadian citizenship.

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